
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

"A Murder Has Been Renounced" in High Wycombe

A Murder Has Been Renounced by Lee Mueller will be at the 
Old Town Hall, Swan Theatre, High Wycombe Tuesday 26 February at 7.30pm. and once again on March 12 at Norden Farm 
Mystery (gasp), murder (gasp) and terrible puns… (oh my….!)
When Nick and Darla’s car breaks down on a dark and stormy night, they are left with no choice but to knock on the nearest door for help. However, all is not as it seems in this extraordinary home. The inhabitants seem to be in a world of their own, and when a murder victim is discovered it’s a race against time for Nick to solve this seemingly unsolvable case.
Join Nick, Darla and the rest of the gang as they try to solve the mystery that will have you on the edge of your seat, quivering with antici………pation!

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